
Roman's page

It was scared?Ха, that, I all the same skremnylsya and nakryachyl nov'e, old junk here - PRESS
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work bench the simplest after a notebook - front page. Instruction met to the people. Like furychyt, but laziness is great thing! So two years passed. And once, I botched to the friends, that I have a page in the Internet (which, to the word was not, there was only a place hammered, yes empty index), they at me, naturally asked an address. Who wants, that exposed his essence of fibber? Here and I made haste home, vrubyl everything that it is possible and began in the haste to chisel. That at me turned out, an old version is now named (see above). I did it for 40 minutes. Old junk remained 4 (!) years. Again by virtue of great laziness. She and now does not abandon me, I yet long will complete a page, but to change basis is this skremnyt'sya is needed.

Why? To be acknowledged, be forgotten and figs with him, but no, desire to «fill all fields» stronger than laziness. I want that was. And there I will call in ynet, only to check up mail, associate in as'ke, to look forums and useful news I.e. 2 hours. And let this chronicle remain until will not guzzle its time, in that form in which will come.

  That is here at me

Some time I thought above that, where to bend maintenance of page. Namely: toward general information or to specialize her on itself. The same laziness or the same desire to leave, that about itself for other or on your own after 10 years, prompted to me by what to do the choice.

Anyhow I made an effort break up on blocks, that information which I want to lay out. Because the orientation goes to personality, accordingly to search here what that general difficultly, and rather it at the end of blocks. I decided to change not old pages, but as maximum to finish off them. I heard a lot of censures on a background colour, but will endeavour to explain. I count a background, one of main methods to pass the mood, and if suddenly you are heavy to distinguish a background from a text, an author means hardly tells it, but can not tell not. If a text cuts eyes, an author means wicked. And did you never try to understand that there represented? Yes, eventually, it is possible always to disconnect him ;-)

My news (there is a prykol'naya toy, straight on a page)

Such new, brothers my and sisters, women my and men! a page brushes up as far as arrival! all persons interested will join, all updates all shorter class thing, will be here nakaryabana! I thought a little and decided so to do, here I to write nothing will be, and will spoil yet, there is such the properties. I will write at once in the archive of news. it will be so one after another, the all newest above. I do not like to prove to be correct, but I want to speak out, so to speak I will clothe it in the form of angry utterance. Narod. ru - zasral to me all brains, nyche does not work at him, is is tormented 10 times, that to do chenyt'. although all beautiful simply (and about itself) and freebee, and well her in the back! %Р

 World news

First (glamur inside) This the same four brown flesh of the button. Current do not ask me, as I them by Russians did. Хотя.отвечу, but only to the girls ;-) there at us «Guest», she and in Africa guest, you call, make dirty, leave satisfied! «my the city» I there while, probably current Эngel's with Сaratovom will describe, there will be time will invent and about other where was. «And rowing» of type About a boat-racing, nou koment, nyd that ryd. Well and finally «fotky» direct reference on maylovskyy my album, is it there simpler to begin to swing, and to what to invent lyasyk?

People from How did all of it go out? Such thought arose up a long ago at me, the point is that specific of my basic employment by then, consisted in the stay in towns of not my registration, and intercourse with the population of these cities. Here, decided to imprint thoughts of these people. To them same the laziness or they are not able, to imprint the thoughts.

In an ear Abou! This by a pair hard medley. Because every individual subjectively looks at position of other individual. My thoughts are my runners, that I want that and think, your right will disagree with me, I listen. Music - I am able here I to play and will be, that to me will please, will lay out. The same belongs and to art.

Last She is only so named, but for me and for many other people matters very much. What projects are plans and operating mechanisms. First of all, I want to start a project: «genealogical tree», to mark everything the relatives, to perpetuate roots. History is necessary to be known. My to you references is select from a browser. About itself are you will forgive, but did not hold out))) other - so far did not decide is surprise!

Archive There is such phrase: «it not is needed, and it is sorry to throw out». She just and fits for this folder. Some letters, archive of news, pictures and pictures, - mainly stranger, my lie higher, archive of pages, this with respect to my pages which got in none of groups, vsyachyna from neta - also dump, yet that.

Epilogue This that down, before to call on them, look closely to the accompanying pictures, and yet you will be surprised to maintenance) except for as there is nothing to describe a «letter», and letter so the more so.

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